Seasonal Horse Care
Equine Resources

Summer Horse Care Tips:
As a reminder make sure that you are giving your horse loose livestock salt in his daily ration. A handful of livestock salt added to his grain will help increase his water intake. You can purchase the livestock salt at your feed store. Salt or mineral blocks are not sufficient. Great for cattle, but not for horses.
With the temperatures in the 100's you may have noticed your horse breathing more rapidly. Your horse will enjoy being cooled down with the water hose. Hose his entire body down for 10-15 minutes. Horses naturally cool down by sweating. If you notice your horse is not sweating, your horse needs immediate attention from your veterinarian.
It's extremely important to offer your horse fresh, cool water during these hot days. Rather than filling your trough full in the morning for the water to heat up, consider adding water in the evening hours.
Winter Horse Care Tips:
Add 2-4 oz of loose livestock salt to your horse’s daily diet. Sodium chloride is critical for regulating body fluids and conducting the electrical impulses in nerves and muscles.
Provide plenty of fresh clean water. Keep it at a constant temperature. Horses prefer water around 40-45° F and by increasing water consumption, could minimize the risk of impaction colic.
Hay should be the primary portion of the diet. This is the true internal heat builder for your horse, not the additions of various grains or pellets. Don’t wait for sub-zero weather to provide hay.
Sunflower seeds are a great snack for your horse. Introduce them slowly. A handful is a maximum amount per day they should receive. They provide many vitamins, are high in fat, fiber, and protein. So share when you visit the barn!